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Bambusa vulgaris extract – Its role in making your hair bouncy and luscious

Run the rule down the list of key ingredients of our Grandioso volumising shampoo here at Rossano Ferretti, and you will begin to gain a sense of the great lengths to which we go to cultivate the beauty and seductiveness of your hair. It is, after all, one of your secret weapons, and we take great pride in empowering you to keep it that way.

Of those ingredients, there is one, in particular, that enjoys many a rich association and use in our wider world, and which plays a central role in aiding your hair’s manageability and bounce. That ingredient is bambusa vulgaris extract, which may be better known to you as common bamboo, the giant tropical and subtropical clumping bamboo native to southern China and Madagascar.

A species of many uses – and many wonders.

To say that bambusa vulgaris has gained wide appreciation in our world would be quite the understatement. It is always difficult to know where to start when outlining the many applications for which it has become renowned today.

The many functions of bamboo explained with various icons

One may cite bamboo’s inclusion in the manufacture of such products as building materials, fishing apparatus, household and personal items, pulp and paper, or perhaps instead the use of its stem sheaths as covers for beehives or the value of its acrid, bitter and laxative sprouts in the tackling of inflammation, ulcers and wounds.

With bamboo’s many other widely recognised applications and benefits including the sweet and astringent qualities of its leaves, the use of its culms in construction work and the dietary consumption of young shoots in Asia, one can safely say it is a species that has more than played its part in the diverse beauty of our world.

Asian origins, but truly a plant of our world

While bambusa vulgaris is native to Indo-china – the term for the continental portion of the region now known as Southeast Asia – and the southern Chinese province of Yunnan, it has come to be widely cultivated and even naturalised in various other corners of the globe.

Map of the world showing bamboo origin and bamboo cultivation areas

Among the evidence that common bamboo warrants the status of a true ‘world’ plant is its widespread cultivation across not only East, Southeast and South Asia, but also parts of Africa and the Americas, such as Tanzania and Brazil – countries where it is one of the most successful bamboos.

A popular hothouse plant in the 18th century, this greatly admired bamboo species was among the first to reach Europe, and is thought to have been introduced to Hawaii during the time of Captain James Cook (1728-1779). The United States and Puerto Rico are other hotspots for the cultivation of bambusa vulgaris, which was apparently been brought there by Spaniards in the 1840s.

Bamboo plants with facts explained on the side

Bambusa vulgaris frequently occurs spontaneously or naturalised on roadsides, river banks, wastelands and open ground, usually at low altitudes. When cultivated, it is known for its especially vigorous growth on moist soil and under humid conditions; however, it is also capable of growth across a wealth of soil types and climatic conditions, up to a 1,200-metre altitude.

Such is this bamboo species’ robustness that it is able to survive temperatures as low as -3 degrees C, with its presence having been observed even on degraded and flooded lands and in semi-arid areas. One could barely imagine stronger credentials for any plant bidding to be considered of universal beauty and relevance to the varied needs of our humble planet.

Now, about your hair…

We did mention our Grandioso volumising shampoo, and did so for good reason. There are simply very few shampoos that demonstrate such a commitment to sourcing the most effective ingredients for the cultivation of strong and healthy hair, a goal in which carefully-incorporated bamboo extracts play a central role. Such commitment to going to every length in the service of your beauty is, of course, a trademark characteristic of Rossano Ferretti.

Rossano Ferretti Parma's Grandioso volumising shampoo

If our Grandioso shampoo contained little else other than bambusa vulgaris sap extract, its discerning users would still benefit from infinitely better-nourished, more manageable and bouncier hair – hair with all of the protection and health that 21st century shampoo technology affords.

When one also considers the presence in Grandioso of creatine, panax ginseng root extract, hydrolysed sweet almond protein, macadamia ternifolia seed oil and Persea gratissima (avocado) oil, it becomes clear that this is a shampoo of such opulence and refinement as to set it a class apart from even its most diligently-created competitors.

When the time comes for you to invest in shampoo for the restoration, reinvigoration and stimulation of your volumeless, lifeless and fragile hair – a dependable aid to beauty – don’t hesitate to make Grandioso your sole and confident choice.


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